by Hyram Voltage | Sep 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
There are no hard fast rules for punctuation in the written American English language. If there were we would not need the Chicago Manual of Style, the Associated Press Stylebook, the Modern Language Association (MLA) Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing, or... by Hyram Voltage | Sep 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
I missed a blog update Monday morning. I’ve been busy. Sunday, the day I would have written the blog was packed. The Saturday before I helped a very sick friend. It was hot and muggy. Several of us spent all day packing and moving stuff. Hot sweaty work.We got... by Hyram Voltage | Sep 5, 2018 | Uncategorized
Terror? I thought the whole idea was to get your book read. Well, last weekend, August 31 through Sep 4, I attended the CoKoCon in Phoenix, AZ. It’s a great little con and I like little cons. Phoenix was also hot, but some of the rooms were so cold that only the... by Hyram Voltage | Aug 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
I had planned to contact an editor this week. It took me a day to find the link to the editor I had found earlier and wanted to try. Note to self; I got to get more organized. The next day I had to get ready for a writers/critique group meeting. So most of the day was... by Hyram Voltage | Aug 6, 2018 | Uncategorized
I took a vacation to attend a radio conference in Wichita, Kansas. I went with my friend from high school, we’ve been doing this for decades. I drove from the coast of California to Kansas city, MO, then to Wichita, KS. Over 4100 miles and used close to 100...