by Hyram Voltage | Nov 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
I watched Mercury move across the face of the sun last week. Yes, it’s a big deal. It won’t happen for another decade. I got up early that morning and it was cloudy. The event only lasts for a couple of hours. I got on the computer and found a weather site... by Hyram Voltage | Nov 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
Readers complain that I have too much eating going on in my stories.Come on, people got to eat. Have you ever noticed how a hero will go for days without food, then run a mile in under two minutes, have a fist fight with the villain and win. I don’t think that... by Hyram Voltage | Nov 4, 2019 | Uncategorized
Don’t think war, think revolution. Revolution pits brother against brother and father against son. Even mother against father. That’s conflict. The east coast is sinking. I recently saw an article where Boston is having troubles with rising sea levels.... by Hyram Voltage | Oct 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
I attended the Steampunk Festival in Oxnard this weekend. There I met a gentleman from Germany. During our conversation he asked “Where did all the Goths go”? Good question. A few short years ago there were quite a number of young people who dressed and... by Hyram Voltage | Oct 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
He beat me to it. Bacon doughnut holes. see From the foodwishs site See his web site. This recipe is a little tricky to make. So many times it looks like it’s a failure, but it...